2nd Quarter (April to June) 2022

Revitalization of Pyrethrum Industry in Kenya (Tokyo, Japan & Nairobi, Kenya. June): ETA was contracted by Rinnesha Co. Ltd. to be the local project coordinator at Kenyan side for “SDGs Business Model Formulation Survey with the Private Sector for Revitalization of Pyrethrum Industry through Value Chain Development of 100%-Natural Mosquito Repellent in Kenya”, which was […]

1st Quarter (January to March) 2022

Feed-In-Tariff and Other Incentives for Renewable Energy Projects in East Africa (Tokyo, Japan & Nairobi, Kenya. March): Ecoma Co. Ltd. and ETA signed a consulting service agreement about “Feed-In-Tariff and Other Incentives for Renewable Energy Projects in Kenya and other East African countries”. Improvement of Bridge Maintenance and Management Capacity in Mozambique (Tokyo, Japan & […]

4th Quarter (October to December) 2021

Strengthening the Research Capacity of Kenya Medical Research Institute (Tokyo, Japan & Nairobi, Kenya. December): Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd (OCG) and ETA entered into a service agreement for ETA’s assignments in the area of environmental and social consideration for the “Project for Strengthening the Research Capacity of Kenya Medical Research Institute financed by Japan […]

3rd Quarter (July to September) 2021

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Day Care Facility (Kiambu, Kenya. September): ETA undertook an environmental and social impact assessment for a day care facility of the Garden of Siloam, Non-Government Organization (NGO), which provides professional day care services to children with special needs. High Quality Water for Kenya by Mitsubishi Chemical Aqua Solutions (Tokyo, […]

2nd Quarter (April to June) 2021

Construction of Medical and Hazardous Waste Incinerator in Nairobi (Tokyo, Japan & Nairobi, Kenya. May): Japan Techno Co., Ltd., a consulting firm in Japan, renewed the contract with ETA to act as site project manager for the feasibility study of the “Project for the Construction of Medical Waste and Hazardous Waste Appropriate Processing Plant in […]

1st Quarter (January to March) 2021

African Initiative for Combating Desertification: ETA with 7 countries from Horn of Africa (Tokyo, Japan & Kenya. March): Oriental Consultants Global Co. Ltd. and ETA entered into a service agreement for ETA to provide consulting services to promote African Initiative for Combating Desertification to Strengthen Resilience to Climate Change in the Sahel and the Horn […]

4th Quarter (October to December) 2020

High Quality Water for Kenya: Contract Renewed with MCAS (Tokyo, Japan & Nairobi, Kenya. December): Mitsubishi Chemical Aqua Solutions Co., Ltd. (MCAS) and ETA renewed a service contract for ETA to provide two staff to act as the representative and the deputy representative of MCAS for its water treatment projects in Kenya.

3rd Quarter (July to September) 2020

Second Phase of PET Bottle Recycling Project for Kenya Awarded by JICA (Tokyo, Japan and Nairobi & Kiambu, Kenya. September): After one year of consultancy services provision of ETA to Tobe-Shoji Co., Ltd. within a frame work of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Team Tobe-Shoji was awarded by JICA for the second phase of PET […]

2nd Quarter (April to June) 2020

Waste Management Project in Kiambu County (Kiambu, Kenya. May): ETA provided consultancy services to SWAN-Fukuoka (Solid Waste management Advisers Network Fukuoka), a non-profit organization registered in Japan, which established a Kenyan non-governmental organization under the same name. It has been helping the Department of Environment, Kiambu County to build a technical and administrative capacity for […]

1st Quarter (January to March) 2020

Research and Consultancy Work for Rice Production Business (Mwea, Kenya. February): For a multi-national client, ETA conducted a field investigation on irrigation systems and agricultural machines for rice cultivation in Mwea, Kenya. Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Seminar in Kenya (Nairobi, Kenya. January): ETA attended a seminar on the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) in Nairobi, Kenya. […]